Saturday, September 26, 2020

Pretending you're a badass is underrated

I'm a man in my mid-50s. I'm not the mid-50s guy you see if you Google "mid-50s man fashion" (sure, I'm vulnerable to the zeitgeist when it comes to superficial things  like appearance, like the next person.) I'm not <-- this guy.

I'm not a vegan. I'm not even a vegetarian.

But I accept the science that plant-based is the healthy way to live. I also accept I must get off my ass and do things to be healthy. And I strive every day to do a little something that do to my actual state to my state of health things that this image outwardly suggests.

You see, pretending to be a badass is underrated.

You've heard the phrase "Fake it 'til you make it," I'm sure. Hard evidence supports the efficacy of this technique

What holds you back? Your self-damning mind, usually. Imposter syndrome. Performance anxiety- even in everyday affairs. Conflict avoidance.

Do not give a fuck. Try it! It works for so many things.

Jawline not perfect? No fake bake? got bald spots? Don't give a fuck.

You missed a goal or target? Don't give a fuck. Move on.

You apple pie sucks? Don't give a fuck. Next time it will be better. And the time after that, even better.

You can't understand something you're trying to learn? Don't give a fuck. Studies show whether you understand a thing or not, repeated exposure contributes to the eventual learning of it. You can do little things every day to improve all kinds of things. Handwriting. Reading books. Cooking. Even a few a minutes a day can help you just be smarter overall.

Being defeated easily only leads to one outcome: failure. But not letting yourself be defeated might  lead eventually to success. If it's important to you, why limit yourself to failure as the only possible outcome?

Or is it even important to you? There are ways to find those things out.

You know I'm not the guy in the pic above.  I'm preaching to myself as much as any reader of this blog. I still have a spare tire. I'm developing a bald spot. I broke my ankle, which limits my flexibility, meaning I can't even do most common yoga poses or run anymore. 

But I can bike. I've been losing weight and gaining muscle slowly. Not much I can do about the hair. But I don't give a fuck.

You shouldn't either.


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